Saturday, December 4, 2010

Skateboarding in Japan

Prior to coming to Japan, I did not know much about the skateboarding scene, but because it is a big interest of mine, I decided to bring my board and skate whatever I could find.  After being in Hirakata for a few weeks in the beginning of the semester, I met a few skateboarders and discovered that the majority of skating in Hirakata was at the train station.  However, there was a catch—the pedestrian traffic passing through the main section of the station during the day prevents any skate activity—not to mention the “no skateboarding” signs posted on the pillars.  But at night when the station is nearly empty, the station transforms into something truly different. 
"No Skateboarding" sign at Hirakata station

   My first time going to the station, I was supposed to meet a friend; when I arrived, I was surprised to find that not only were there skateboarders, but also hip-hop dancers of all styles as well as flatland freestyle bikers.  Although the trains were still running, the transit users didn’t seem to have a problem with the dancers, bikers, and skaters.  As I cruised around the station I noticed that the dancers used the smooth, reflective cement as mirrors to practice their routines and or moves.  My eyes were constantly busy watching the entire scene—I’ve never seen such a mismatch crowd of people together in the same place before. 

  I soon became a regular at the station and got to know a few skaters—we didn’t talk much but with skateboarding, you don’t really need to talk much to have a good time with others.  During this time I also skated around Hirakata exploring back alleys and random spots—because I enjoy street skateboarding, I tend to look at objects and architecture as not merely functional facets of everyday life (stairs, curbs, walls, gaps, etc.) but as objects that could potentially be used as skate obstacles.  However, in order to skate freely, I usually skate at night when the streets are empty.  I was amazed at the difference between night and day in Hirakata—the hustle and bustle of the daytime activity and noise is a stark contrast to the almost deserted feel that night time brings.  I literally felt like a nocturnal creature as I skated down the street with only an occasional cab passing by. 
  When I skated during the day, I felt that from the stares that I received, skateboarding in the Hirakata area and that of Japan in general is not too common or popular.  I soon found from several Japanese skaters that told me that although there is a skate community, it is small.  I found it interesting that like in America, certain areas of the country were better accustomed to skateboarding than others; in America, California—specifically the Los Angeles area is known as skateboarding’s Mecca.  Likewise, Japan’s skateboard central is Tokyo.  Also because it is not a largely popular activity, skate setups and attire are in comparison to America very expensive—almost twice the price.  This affects the popularity of skating in that the cost could prevent people from trying simply because it is too pricy.

   As of right now, I have only skated in the general area close to the university and have gone to one skatepark with a friend.  With the limited time left, I would like to skate and meet more people and learn a bit more about the skateboarding culture of Japan.

1 comment:

  1. Your post reminds me of a film clip I recently saw for a documentary about an anthropologist in Japan (the film is called "Can't Go Native?"). He likes to ride his bike around as a research method in his exploration of Japanese culture. And I too find the difference between night and day at the station and in the city be to very interesting. Lots of potential for interesting visual anthropology...
